Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Crude Oil Day trading strategy; Screen to Floor Morning Prep

Today's Crude Oil News
Crude Oil PIT Session Notes
Crude Oil Inventories News
Crude Oil PIT Session Levels

Crude Oil is trading sideways this morning on the 2584-tick anchor chart, trading inside the trigger-zone from 105.75 down to 105.02.

Crude Oil Anchor Chart
We can see that price-action is in a very ‘transitional’ range at this time, with plenty of room to the downside for this price-action to move lower down to 103.99 if given a strong push lower.  We can also see a wide open space above us going up to the trend-line resistance around 106.50.  This tells us that eventually we should see a decent sized move this morning.

Crude Oil 5-Minute VIP Chart
The 5-minute chart of Crude Oil shows us some very important clues today.  First, we can see a VERY narrow trading-range coming out of the overnight London trading Session.  We typically see a range of $1.00 from overnight, and this morning we can see price-action has only moved $.77.  This tells us to expect range-bound market personality for the early part of the morning, but as we saw on the anchor chart there is a lot of open space above and below us for price-action to take off higher or lower, so this narrow trading-range may not last very long.

The 610-tick entry chart shows us a dramatic sideways-trading-range this morning from 105.82 down to 104.83, and we will use this trading-range as our most important clue in the short term today. 

Crude Oil Entry Chart
First, we need to stay away from the middle of this sideways-trading-range.  Nothing good happens in the middle of a trading-range, so we will stick to buying the lows and selling the highs of the range first. 

If we can break out of this trading-range above 105.82 we are buying pullbacks with the wave-pattern-long.  If we break out below the lows at 104.83 we will sell retracements with the wave-pattern-short.

Remember to keep an eye out for a fake-out-breakout at the highs and the lows, we will always be looking for that price-reversal at the highs or lows and a trade back inside the range again, so keep an eye on the quality of the patterns you use to enter on a breakout.

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