Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Crude Oil Day trading strategy; Screen to Floor Morning Prep 08/21/13

Crude Oil Inventories News

Crude Oil PIT Direction

Crude Oil PIT Levels

Crude Oil News Today

Crude Oil has been trading lower this week, and last night the selling pressure continued on the 10-13 contract to push it below the big-round-number of 105.00. 

Crude Oil Anchor Chart 1
This morning we see two support zones on the 5400-tick anchor chart at 104.99 and 103.30 below us.  These support zones will be keys to our success today because we will avoid selling short into these zones, and once we get into a short position we will use them as profit-targets on the way down to the lows at 102.00.

Crude Oil Anchor Chart 2
The 1800-tick anchor chart shows us trading lower, towards the bottom of the bear price-channel, and into the support zone from 104.99 down to 104.29.  We can clearly see the bears are in control of this price-action in the long term right now, and we will be looking for selling-opportunities this morning as long as they do not sell directly into the support levels marked below.  We will wait for the support level to be broken and then we will look for the wave-pattern-short to get into the trade.

Crude Oil 30-Minute Chart
We can see the previous trading-ranges on the 30-minute chart, which provides many clues we will use this morning.  We can see price-action is trading at the PLOD from Tuesday, and with the failure below the PLOD we can expect the buyers to try to push this price-action higher today.  This will be very interesting to see if the buyers can wrestle control away from the sellers early in the session today.

If we see the sellers fail and the buyers take control above the PLOD we will begin looking for buying opportunities this morning, however, if the sellers are too strong we will begin selling once again below the PLOD down to the next profit-target at 103.43 and 102.03 below us.

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