Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Crude Oil Day Trading Strategy Morning Prep 06/26/13

Martys PIT Session Levels

Martys PIT Session Notes
Dollar Index Correlation:

Dollar-Index 60-Minute
The Dollar-Index is moving higher again this morning, which is telling us that the Dollar-Index-correlation says to look for selling-opportunities for the high-percentage-trades today.  The 60-minute chart shows us the bullish price-channel along with the highs of sell-zone at 83.165, which means above this level we have wide open space for the Dollar-Index to keep moving higher.  Look for the rising Dollar-Index to push prices lower this morning on Gold, Euro, and Crude Oil.

Crude Oil Futures:
Crude Oil 60-Minute
Crude Oil is trading in the middle of the range on the 60-minute anchor chart this morning, with support below at 94.42 and resistance above at 95.94.  These technical clues tell us to expect 2-sided trading this morning without much room to move higher or lower without something getting in our way.  We will need a strong market personality either higher or lower this morning to feel confident with trend-trading.  If we do not see strong market personality in either direction we will look for price-reversal patterns to buy support and sell resistance.  Remember the Dollar-Index looks bullish, so the short-side will most likely be the direction it will move first, but again, with the support below us we know that look for the price-reversals will likely be the high-percentage-trades this morning.

Crude Oil 5-Minute
We are trading in the middle of the London trading Session on the 5-minute chart this morning, after testing the trigger-zone support at 94.82 we are now looking to head to the highs of the range again before testing the reversal-zone at 95.37.  We will be looking to sell-the-high at resistance and buy-the-lows at support of this trading-range today.

Support Levels Below:
94.82, 94.69, 94.51, 94.40, 94.27, 93.97, 93.59, 93.17, 92.67, 92.49

Resistance Levels Above:
95.37, 95.67, 96.05, 96.17, 96.47, 97.08, 97.15, 97.23

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