Friday, June 21, 2013

Crude Oil Morning Prep & Day Trading Strategy 06/21/13

PIT Session Notes

PIT Session Price Levels

Economic news today:
This morning is Quadruple Witching Friday, which means today is the final trading day before all 4 asset-classes expire on Saturday.  The result of this will be lower-than-usual trading volume, and a lack of consistency in the price-action on our charts.  Traders are encouraged to trade lightly this morning, using smaller contract sizes, and being more conservative with risk-management.

Crude Oil Daily Chart:
Crude Oil Daily
It appears we were very accurate in our Thursday morning prediction of a sell-off and this morning we finish up a week of trading with a large GAP in price on the daily chart with price sitting on top of the 95.43 buy-zone, which was identified earlier this week.  This daily chart tells us that we are sitting at support on this chart, which means we may see a rally this morning back higher, or the buyers may fail and this price can keep tumbling lower back to the 92.00 level.

Crude Oil 240-Minute Chart:
Crude Oil 4-Hour 
The 4-hour anchor chart shows us a lot more details this morning, which we will use to make educated trading-decisions this morning.  First, if you recall from Thursday we discussed that buying the lows of the price-channel would be the high-percentage-trades of the week, and we are now trading at those lows.  We will be looking for buying opportunities this this morning with price-action sitting on top of major support at the price-channel lows and a profit-target at 96.92 and 98.23. 
We should also be aware that if price keeps dropping lower this morning we also can buy the lows of the price-channel as far down as 93.94 so we will look for the high-percentage patterns for entry long, but if that isn’t working and prices slip back lower we still can be patient for another buying opportunity.

Crude Oil 60-Minute Chart:
Crude Oil 60-Minute
The hourly anchor chart tells us exactly what to expect in the short-term trend this morning we go into Quadruple Witching Friday.  First, we must remember that this morning is going to be sloppy.  Most of the professionals on the trading floor will NOT be trading today, which means lower volume and less consistency in the trades that we take.  For that reason, we must use caution this morning.
The 60-minute anchor chart shows us bouncing off the 95.00 big-round-number as we tumbled off the weekly highs.  We want to buy this dip in prices, the 4-hour chart shows us trading at the lows of a price-price-channel, but we have some resistance in our way.  Price-action is testing the 95.46 sell-zone right now, which means we can expect to see lower prices before we see higher prices this morning.
The 60-minute chart of Crude Oil tells us to wait and buy a pullback this morning at 95.24 before trying to buy into the sell-zone overhead.  We will look for profit-targets overhead around 95.86, 96.14, 96.56 and 96.80. 

Crude Oil 5-Minute VIP Chart:
Crude Oil 5-minute VIP
The 5-minute VIP chart shows us a very narrow trading-range overnight as professional traders are stepping away from their desks for Quadruple Witching Friday.  A narrow trading range tells us to be careful this morning with fake-out-breakouts and to look for buying opportunities at the support levels below, and selling opportunities at resistance overhead.  If prices push lower this morning we are looking for the high-percentage-trades to buy around 95.24 down to 95.09.  If prices rise higher this morning we are buying pullbacks above the lows of the London trading Session and taking a profit-target at the reversal zone at 95.84.

Support Levels for Today:
95.41, 95.29, 95.24, 95.14, 95.09, 94.98, trend line around 94.85, and 94.71.

Resistance Levels for Today:

95.57, 95.63, 95.72, 95.78, 95.84, 95.96, 96.11, 96.27 and 96.54

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