Thursday, December 20, 2012

12/20/2012 Update:

Wednesdays Crude Pit Session: 

High: 90.33
Low: 88.65
Settle: 90.00

Looking ahead to today’s crude pit session:

Crude oil prices pushed up to new highs after yesterdays DOE inventory levels came in close to the expected .09m barrel draw.  (Actual 1.0m) making pit session highs at 90.33 and settling at 90.00.   With continued downward pressure on the dollar we could possibly see oil trader’s push prices up into the 91-92 handle.   However,  we may chop around this area today ahead Washington’s vote on John Boehner’s plan to raise taxes on incomes over 1 million in an attempt to avoid the fiscal cliff. 

Tune in this morning to hear a full analysis and pit commentary.  


Support: 90.00, 89.40, 89.00, 88.65, 88.47, 88.27, 88.00, 87.34, 85.28
Resistance:  90.33, 90.53, 90.90, 91.46, 92.00, 92.50, 93.00, 93.52

Wednesdays  Natural Gas Pit Session: 

High: 3.356
Low: 3.284
Close / Settle: 3.321

Today’s Natural Gas pit session:

Natural gas continued to trade lower yesterday after gapping down in the previous overnight session.  Analyst are forecasting a -73 BCU draw in inventories due out at 1030am today.  If this number comes in lower we may see traders push prices back to the top of the range.  However, any type of build in inventories may continue to push prices to the downside. Traders are looking to 3.260 and 3.200 as major levels of support.  

Tune in this morning to hear a full Analysis and pit commentary.


Support:  3.347, 3.321, 3.284, 3.260, 3.200
Resistance:  3.397, 3.411, 3.450, 3.477, 3.500

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